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It’s a regular day and you are driving on familiar roads, thinking about what you’re doing today. Before you know it, you are in a car accident, your car is damaged and you may be injured. Although the initial shock of the accident is enough to put anyone’s mind in a blur, there are steps you can take from the moment the accident happens to ensure you get the compensation you deserve from the insurance company.

With any car accident caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness, you may be frustrated, angry and worried about how you will cope with the damages to your vehicle and your injuries. You may have questions about whether the other driver was adequately insured, and want to make sure your medical expenses will be covered. After all, healing from the accident should be your primary focus, so that you can be well again. Your emotions may be intense about the entire incident, and taking care of yourself will help you move on from the traumatic experience.